This includes:
Guidance in developing skills to increase a sense of resiliency and emotional fitness
Humanistic and solution focused modalities, psycho-education and an understanding of how mental health is a whole body experience
Psychodynamic work and the exploration of attachment problems
My approach is informed by a foundation in psychodynamic and systems theory as well as family of origin constructs, cognitive-behavioral principles, psycho-education and mindfulness concepts.
I believe in a non-judging atmosphere where you can experience all of your emotions comfortably.
We don’t have to cry or suffer to get better during the therapeutic process. Sometimes people do but often what people experience is that they are heard and understood; often for the first time.
I will collaborate with you and be very forthcoming and honest in an effort to help you gain personal power and better understand that you can experience a more powerful sense of self.
It is important for your counseling experience to feel safe; therefore one of my goals is to create an environment that allows you to be your authentic self.
- Issues involving the family pet
I Provide Counseling Services for: